Child law and legal services

At Hamblin Family Law, we handle every case with sensitivity, respect and care – and never more so than when there are children involved. We are more than lawyers. We offer a holistic approach to child law, working with our wider network of family therapists, mediators and trusted advisers so you get the complete expert service you and your family deserve.

What matters most - your children

We put your children’s welfare at the centre of everything we do. We offer expert guidance to both married and unmarried parents to navigate child arrangements following divorce or relationship breakdown.

Our child lawyers will help you with:

Child support/Child maintenance

Child support ensures that children are financially supported if their parents separate or divorce. It is a monthly payment made by the non-residential parent (the parent who doesn’t live with the child) to cover the costs of their child’s upbringing, e.g. living and educational expenses.

Parents can choose to agree contributions between themselves or to make a more formal agreement through the Child Maintenance Service (CMS), which will calculate payments based on the non-residential parent’s income. In complex cases, where an agreement cannot be reached or where the non-resident parent has an income over £156k gross per annum, child support/maintenance may need to be determined through a court order.

Schedule 1 of the Children Act claims

For cases involving high-net-worth individuals, complex financial situations or where additional financial support beyond child maintenance is required, a parent can make a Schedule 1 Children Act claim.

Schedule 1 claims can comprise securing a one-off payment, transferring property or assets, or making regular periodical payments for the benefit of the child.

Whatever route you decide to take, we at Hamblin Family Law are here to support and guide you at every step of the way.

Children Law - child arrangement orders

Child arrangement orders

Child arrangement orders not only provide a legally binding framework for a child’s living arrangements but also ensure that they have the opportunity to foster meaningful relationships with both parents in the event of divorce or separation.

At Hamblin Family Law, we have a wealth of experience in resolving disputes and negotiating arrangements for children following separation or divorce for high-net-worth individuals and blended families.

We can support you to agree the living arrangements of your children through direct communication or communication between solicitors, through family mediation or through court proceedings and child arrangement orders.

Child relocation

Relocating your family after a relationship breakdown can be challenging to navigate, particularly when there is an objection to the move, a child arrangement order is in place, or if you wish to relocate, nationally or internationally.

Where there is a child arrangement order, the parent looking to relocate the family will need to ensure that access arrangements are adhered to and that the child can maintain a meaningful relationship with the non-relocating parent.

Similarly, permission is required to relocate a child, both nationally and internationally, which is obtained either from the non-relocating parent or the court. For every case, the court will consider an application for permission to relocate based on the individual child’s best interests and family circumstances.

It is therefore essential to seek expert legal advice when relocating both within the UK or abroad.

Children Law - child relocation
Children Law - grandparents child arrangements

Grandparents’ child arrangements

Grandparents can have a significant and positive impact on a child’s life, wellbeing and emotional development.

While in the UK grandparents do not have an automatic right to see their grandchildren, the law always acts in the best interests of a child, including the need for meaningful relationships with wider family members.

Grandparents can therefore apply for a child arrangement order from the court to formalise the time they have with their grandchildren after parental separation.

Arrangements can also be made through direct communication, communication between solicitors or through family mediation, but in all instances, we at Hamblin Family Law can advise you on the best approach for your situation.    

We are specialist children law solicitors for high-net-worth individuals. Get in touch to discuss how we can support you.