Divorce mediation and arbitration

Mediation and arbitration are two processes that offer divorce settlement and dispute resolution without the need for court intervention.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a collaborative process that encourages couples to work together to reach resolutions for disputes and agree settlements that are fair and mutually beneficial. For example, in family law, mediation is used to address issues such as divorce, child arrangements, financial arrangements, and asset division.

Facilitated by an impartial third party, known as a mediator, the process prioritises open communication, active participation, and compassionate compromise. Both parties are guided through constructive discussions to find solutions, thereby empowering couples to actively craft and commit to their agreements.

Whilst Hamblin Family Law does not offer mediation or collaborative law services, we can recommend excellent practitioners in London and throughout the UK who can support you in the background while you explore these options.

Mediators in London
Mediation and Arbitration - what is arbitration

What is arbitration?

Arbitration offers more of a structured process where disputing couples each present their cases to an appointed arbitrator. Unlike a mediator, the arbitrator will make a binding decision relating to a dispute based on the evidence provided – similarly to a judge in a court setting.

This alternative dispute resolution method provides a more formal framework for resolving conflicts while avoiding the formalities, expense, and stress of potentially lengthy court proceedings.

Our London-based lawyers are highly experienced in dealing with Children and Financial arbitrations and very much encourage those clients who are keen to progress matters as quickly as possible to engage this private and very efficient route to dispute resolution.

What are the benefits of mediation and arbitration?

Greater control over outcomes

Both mediation and arbitration empower parties to retain control over the outcome. In mediation, individuals actively contribute to crafting agreements, while in arbitration, the parties have a say in selecting the arbitrator and can tailor the process to suit their needs.


Confidentiality is integral to mediation and arbitration. These methods offer a private setting for individuals to discuss sensitive matters without fear of public or press exposure.

Faster resolutions

These streamlined processes allow for faster decision-making, thereby reducing the emotional and financial burdens associated with prolonged legal battles.


As well as avoiding unnecessary court fees the swift nature of mediation and arbitration ensures time is used more efficiently, contributing to a more cost-effective resolution process.

Reduced stress

By prioritising open communication and focusing on solutions (and avoiding the court arena and the unpredictability of that route), both methods promote amicable resolution, in turn reducing stress and hostility.

Fostering future relationships

Mediation, in particular, is known for preserving relationships. By promoting collaboration and compassion, individuals can navigate conflicts in a way that maintains a foundation for future interactions, which is vital for those with children and ongoing shared responsibilities.

What’s involved?

Maintenance payments

Our lawyers work diligently to assess the financial needs of both parties and to negotiate fair and appropriate maintenance payments; both on an interim and long-term basis, for spouses and their children.


We specialise in handling the complexity of trust structures, demonstrating an in-depth understanding of how these assets should be handled during divorce.

Business Assets

For those with business interests, we work to safeguard your financial investments while ensuring a fair distribution of assets.


Our network of tax experts is on-hand to develop strategies that minimise tax liabilities while optimising financial outcomes.


We approach the valuing and dividing of assets such as property, investments, and high-value items with precision and care to ensure an equitable distribution of wealth.

Offshore Assets

We are highly experienced in handling complex cases involving offshore assets ensuring compliance with international laws.